Why do they keep me awake?
Friday, September 29, 2006
 You know who... Those voices. The names without faces that pop up at midnight and won't leave me alone until two a.m. Like Rory. He popped up last night and then wouldn't say another word. I kept trying to picture him, provided it was a he, but couldn't. I have no idea what he's trying to tell me about himself. Then there's the stories I've been working on that have been swirling through the gray matter too. Like with Diego. How far can I run with that? I'd love to see a series out of it. Or Angie, who I've left alone to let bake and want to see finished. Or Aran, or Jordan... Or... Or... Well you see what I'm dealing with!!! Ugh! It's really kind of funny. In any other person, this is considered pschitzophrania. In a writer's mind, it's just another day at the office. A very crowded office. I have to admit though, since I started writing, I've really enjoyed it. Since I'm a SAHM, if I didn't have something other than a now 4-year-old child to keep me company... Insanity was really looking good there for a while. Now, I'm only half way there. I have my child to keep me company along with the voices in my head. One provides laughter and the others give me adult conversation. Okay, now comes the fun. I KNOW I'm not the only one out there who hears voices, pictures people as detailed as if I'd met them personally. Who has been the most enigmatic character for you? Who was the one that grabbed and shook you until you groveled at his knees to write his story? And if you're not a writer, what character have you read that just seemed so real, so visible to you, you still can name him, or her, and the traits that drew you to their story?
Asking the experts
Thursday, September 28, 2006
 My older brother is an ex-Marine (no such thing as EX, he says) and now a cop. Why do I mention this? Because when I need to know what kind of gun, knife, bomb, bullet, vulcan death grip, etc I should use to kill a baddie, he's the one I call. I'm sure he's tired of phone calls that go Me: Okay, if a psychotic druggie has my guy cornered in a dark alley in New York, what kind of gun should he have? Oh...and the druggie is a werewolf FYI. Bro: Hello to you too, sis. Your niece is well. So am I. Thanks for asking...so why is the dumb ass cornered in an alley? He deserves to get ripped up by a vampire. Me: Werewolf Bro: Whatever. Don't let him get cornered in an alley, that's stupid. Me: It's imprtant to character development. Bro: Do I care what that is? Me: No, but I do. So...gun. Bro: If he's supposed to be some kind of weapons or security expert, he would not be in an alley. And give him a beretta. With silver bullets or whatever, for the werwolf. Me: Spell beretta for me? Bro: Look it up. Me: You suck. Bro: Call someone who cares. Me: Love you, bro. Thanks. When it comes to writing a convincing action or fight scene, who do you ask, if anyone? Are there particular websites you go to, or books you've read, or people you ask, or Jackie Chan movies you watch?
all about ME :)
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
 Each of us at SoP got to choose our own avatars. Something we liked, something we'd want here to represent us, in lieu of actual photos of ourselves (how dull!) This one was my choice, and my reasons for doing so really only became apparant during a conversation today with Jen. Jen said my writing is: lighter, more emotional with a very "nice" touch. Even when you're writing about Goblin ghosts.
And damned if she isn't right. Even when I'm writing about goblins, (or in this case, their ghosts) I just can't pull off a completely 'dark' feeling. I like humour with my suspense. I like those wry heroines who, in the midst of something truly horrific, have a flash of insight that leaves me laughing.
My poor avatar seems to be suffering the same fate. Isn't she cute? It's pretty hard to be dark, scary, kickass, and cute, all at once. I like to think, however, that she pulls it off.
Because if she can, then I can.
Introduction of the Perpetually Late
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
 Technically, I was supposed to post earlier Tuesday, but my power went out on Monday and I didn't get it back on till late Tuesday afternoon. Happy happy joy joy joy. I swear to gods, Fate's got it in for me. *sigh* Anyway, introducing moi: I'm Elisabeth Drake, though some of y'all may know me around the net as Nonny. I'm just your average kinky poly mostly lesbian non-theistic pagan weirdass goth writer chick. ^_^ What do I write? A plethora of things. I've written something in almost every genre at this point. But my primary focus is on fantasy and romance. Currently, I'm writing a paranormal romantic suspense series about Arielle, a witch working for the FBI, and her vampire partner, Jackson. I have two short stories about the characters out through Freya's Bower, and the first novella, The Twilight Deception, is forthcoming from Cobblestone Press. I hate trying to introduce myself, so I hope this'll do. If anyone's got questions, however nosy, feel free to ask. :)
Introduction of The Unpubbed
Monday, September 25, 2006
 I'm lucky to be here. Surrounded by stellar authors, I am the only one of the group still (as of this date) unpublished. In a way, I feel priviledged. I still remember when I got to help Jennifer Bianco at Romance Divas to moderate a chat with Allison Brennan, the author of "The Hunt", "The Prey" and "The Kill". I was in reader heaven. I was talking to an honest-to-God-saw-her-books-at-Walmart author. I still feel the same way. As an unpublished author, I still have rosy view of the shining mountaintop that is "Published". As a writer coming in contact with other writers, I'm learning about the published author's aftermath. Promotion, deadlines, contracts, edits, and other scary stuff. What does that tell you about me? Well, probably not very much. I write romantic suspense and erotic romance under a pen name. I'm terrified my mother will find out the pen name. I love being on the computer and I love being with other authors. I write because my characters won't leave me in peace until I do. It's in me. Whether I get published or not, I won't ever silence that throng of people that stand up and start talking. They're funny, sad, broken, loving and brave. And they picked me to write their stories. Hopefully, you'll get to read about how that happens. Jennifer McKenzie aka Jennifer Leeland