Asking the experts
Thursday, September 28, 2006

My older brother is an ex-Marine (no such thing as EX, he says) and now a cop. Why do I mention this? Because when I need to know what kind of gun, knife, bomb, bullet, vulcan death grip, etc I should use to kill a baddie, he's the one I call. I'm sure he's tired of phone calls that go
Me: Okay, if a psychotic druggie has my guy cornered in a dark alley in New York, what kind of gun should he have? Oh...and the druggie is a werewolf FYI.
Bro: Hello to you too, sis. Your niece is well. So am I. Thanks for why is the dumb ass cornered in an alley? He deserves to get ripped up by a vampire.
Me: Werewolf
Bro: Whatever. Don't let him get cornered in an alley, that's stupid.
Me: It's imprtant to character development.
Bro: Do I care what that is?
Me: No, but I do. So...gun.
Bro: If he's supposed to be some kind of weapons or security expert, he would not be in an alley. And give him a beretta. With silver bullets or whatever, for the werwolf.
Me: Spell beretta for me?
Bro: Look it up.
Me: You suck.
Bro: Call someone who cares.
Me: Love you, bro. Thanks.
When it comes to writing a convincing action or fight scene, who do you ask, if anyone? Are there particular websites you go to, or books you've read, or people you ask, or Jackie Chan movies you watch?
Surprisingly enough when I had to break down the basics of an explosion, I asked my hubby. He is ex-Army, Artillery and for fun they blew up stuff with plastic exlplosives. Which happened to be what I used in my story. The same for weapons. He has enough of a basic knowledge and wears a sign that says, "testosterone loaded here". He can usaully give me a very MALE POV if I want, or not. ;)
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