Monday, April 09, 2007

Oooh's Monday again.
I've discovered I like the goosefleshy feeling I get when I hit upon this weeks Sopic. I'm trying to find things that will make us talk, make us think, and make us argue with ourselves and/or each other. So, here we go :)
I've found the website of one "Mark Jenkins" an artist who delights in putting his creations in odd, and sometimes amusing spots. (Examples here, here, and here. Please note, clicking the links will open in new windows, so you won't lose our ever-so-helpful commentary) Also, I find myself compelled to add the 'phone' in the one link is made out of packing tape.
The two which particularly caught my eye are here and here.
Here's my first question:
Is this art? Or is this someone on a 'Candid Camera' campaign?

In any case, I think these are funny. Especially the one with the head in the wall and the cone feet (you'll have to clicky on Dayna's linkies to know what I'm talking about). However, I don't think they're art. I mean, what's the message? What are we supposed to learn or take away form it? It's not meant to be beautiful like, say, the Mona Lisa. beauty, no could it be art?
Anyone else have a take on this?
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