Suspense or action?
Friday, February 09, 2007

Which would you rather read, suspense, or action?
Me, I'm all about suspense. Action sequences make me crazy, both to read and write. I can't picture who is hitting what where, and I generally skim to the end to 'who won', and go from there. But that's just me.
I'm all about headspace, and not knowing what's coming next, or how the characters are going to react, or which character is the penultimate badguy. But that's me :)
so, readers and writers, action or suspense?
I'm ALL about suspense, baby. Action makes my head spin. The only action I like to write are the love scenes. LOL.
BUT they are necessary to a romantic suspense book. *sigh* Even Agatha had to write some action scenes.
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