Nightmares and Dreamscapes...not just a book by Stephen King
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Nightmares and Dreamscapes.
I'm one of those people who has always dreamed. Vividly. And I often remember my dreams. Vividly. Some of my best stories as a child came from those dreams and nightmares I didn't want to remember. Or ones I'd guided myself to dream, because reality so often sucked.
I have to say this still influences what I write...I like the ethereal feeling of things that happen in the 'half wake' stages of my brain. I like mixing the real and the imagined in weird mosaics so that what I write seems like it could happen, even if part of a reader's brain is well-aware it can't.
The weird thing is, since I started writing, my dreams have gotten less. Less vivid. Less often. Less memorable.
I'm curious to hear from other writers: do you dream?
And for readers, have you ever read a book that encapsulates that 'dreaming' kind of feel? Alice in Wonderland, for me, is close, but doesn't have the fuzzy edges a dream often has.
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