Let's Talk about Sex
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I'm not really talking about sex in books, or the amount of steamy in the sex scenes I, or any other romance author, writes.
I'm talking about the questions I occasionally get asked as a writer. Some people have treated me as something of a sex-pert/ sex therapist. Believe me, I am SO not. But, people get that impression because of what I write.
I have to say, I've been asked some pretty outrageous questions about what my--ahem--personal preferences are. Then there's the automatic assumption that I've done everything I write in the books. Um, no. Far from it. I can guarantee I've never done the nasty on a different planet in the future with a polar bear shape-shifter. Not once.
How is it that people get this impression though? I know that we're told to write from experience, but that only goes so far before some creativity has to take place. Thus, I am a writer.
So, there's my rant about weird questions. For me, it tends to be people either using me for advice or a confessional session about their exploits. Because, as an erotic romance writer, I must be a total hooker. On the one hand, it's funny and I AM very open about sex in general, just not MY sex life--see the difference? On the other hand, it's one of those things that make you go hmmmmmmmm.
What about you? Ever gotten or given any weird questions?
Well, thus far, I haven't had anyone ask me about sex based on what I write. I regularly get sex questions, though, but more because I'm open about myself and what I'm into. Usually, they aren't weird questions about me; more people asking for advice. (Whee! Nonny as sex therapist!)
Anytime I have to explain BDSM, though, um, gets interesting...
Weeeeeellllll, as the resident ass slut....I've gotten a few questions from Dayna that were interesting. LOL. I think it's just that I think about this stuff.
I just finished an erotic BDSM and I have no idea WHY the character wanted ME to tell her story. But she did. So, I was calling Eden Bradley for the details. LOL.
Most people don't realize I write what my characters tell me to write. I don't necessarily write "what I know".
Then they say "So, you hear voices?"
Answer--"Yes. Yes, I do."
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