writing on the edge

I Am An Addict
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Yeah. You read that right.

It's funny how "addiction" has become a ZOMG!EEKS! word for many Americans (I don't presume to speak for the rest of the world). By that, I mean that if anything could ever possibly become addictive, it is "bad" and it should be avoided. For instance:

Don't drink anything with caffeine in it; it's addictive.

Don't look at porn; it's addictive.

Don't play online computer games; they're addictive.

Don't drink alcohol; it's addictive.

Don't smoke cigarettes; they're addictive.

Don't take narcotic pain medication; it's addictive.

Don't.... I think you see my point. ;)

Seriously, I'm waiting for somebody to tell me, "Don't have sex; it's addictive." (I wonder what my husband would think of that! ... okay, thinking about it, he'd care less than me.)

Now, before the anti-addiction parade swoops down to bite my ass, yes, there are some things which have a danger of addiction. However, just because some people are doesn't mean that everyone would be. I smoke, but it takes me 2-3 months to go through a pack 'o cloves. I hardly call that "addicted."

But I do have a pervasive addiction... books.

Quit laughing. I'm serious. I cannot walk into a bookstore without spending at least $30. Normally, it averages around $80. (When you manage to do that in a used bookstore, though...) Do I read all the books I've bought before going and buying more? Of course not. If I stacked my TBR pile... well, I think it would reach the ceiling, and then some.

It's a compulsion, I tell you. Must... have... books...

Still, I have yet to hear someone tell me, "Don't read; it's addictive."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL. No but my husband says "Don't BUY books, it's addictive."

4:19 PM  

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