What's In A Length?
Sunday, December 17, 2006

Whiskey Creek Press/Torrid "Heart of the Storm" will be part of a "Men of Alaska" series, the first one tenatively set to be release in September of 2007. I've decided to go with the print option, so it will be a BOOK. Cool.
I was beginning to think I couldn't write anything over 20K. "Heart of the Storm" is 46K and I'm thrilled that it's been contracted.
Now, we come to my goal for 2007. I want to write 100K by the end of next year. That's my goal and it's going to be tough. I might actually have to write an (*gasp* *choke*) outline.
This is my first romantic suspense to be contracted. I have the sequel started and I'm hoping to expand this part of my career a little further.
It's exciting. I've got two out this month ("Yule "Tied" and "A Taste Of Christmas"), two out in Febuary ("Singled Out" and "Naughty Notions"), the In The Garden anthology out in March and another contracted for later next year ("Perfect"). With this new contract, I'm well on my way to having the career I've always dreamed of.
Who knew? And you've gotten to see the whole thing, since I was unpubbed (and blogged about it here) when we started Shadows of Passion. Thanks for being there everyone.
So, on the topic, what's the longest book you've written? What's the longest book you've read? I have to say that the longest book I read was "Hawaii" by Mitchner. I'd like to have that year back please.
The lord of the rings trilogy for me. Or maybe it was the all-in-one chronicles of Narnia book.
I'm still struggling to finish my longest book. Right now it's at about 60K. I'm hoping for 90-100K.
I *like* big books. To read, not write.
The Stand, by Stephen King (yeah, most of his stuff annoys me, but there are a couple I like. Shh, don't tel.) I also read the Talisman by him and Peter Straub, and found a copy of the sequel when roaming used bookstores this past week. Can't wait. I *loved* the Talisman. I'm going to pick up Imagica by Clive Barker, too, which is freakin' huge.
Maia by Richard Adams is long, and I've read it a few times.
Yeah, I know. There's a theme here. 120K is 'base count' for fantasy. And fantasy is what I started with. So... :)
longest book I've written... let me think... I've written 'in' books; does that count?
I hate writing 25 page reports which are nearly all pre-written with a little fill in the blank.
I don't know how you girls do all this writing.
And as for the longest book I have ever read... it would have to be the Great Gatsby... it dragged on forever!!!!!!!!!
Shogun. In 8th grade. Really boring, but it was the longest book in the library and I wanted to say I'd read it.
I tried to read The Gulag Archipelago, but had recurring fantasies of suicide, so I didn't finish it.
I also tried to read the unabridged Les Miserables, but I threw it against the wall when it took 175 pages before the main character showed up.
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