Project Undone
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

For writers, there's that one book that we started and always meant to finish, but just haven't quite figured out what's wrong with it or it's a bigger project that we anticipated or something was just not working at the time we were trying to write it. So it sits in a file on our desk or computer and glares at us, nagging us for giving up on it or never really finishing. The characters whine or whisper, reminding us their story remains untold.
Sounds crazy, right? Well...right now I'm in the midst of dipping my toes back into that nagging project. It's an urban fantasy romantic suspense (say that ten times fast). I love these characters, this story, the whole concept. Which is why I didn't delete the file when it frustrated me to the point of ripping my hair out (and Jen can tell you, I really, really love my hair) and pulling a freak-out meltdown worthy of Donald Duck.
What about you? What's your Project Undone? How does it turn out for you when you finally pick it back up again?
I would suggest that perhaps the rewrite will go better for languishing longer. Your writing is bound to be exponentially better than it was that long ago.
My current rewrite? Remember when you were helping me put a WIP word meter on my blog? Well, I think I pretty much threw the entire WIP away. I'm trying not to be bummed about that, because I'm so excited about the new direction I'm taking.
I have a fantasy that I love! It's so close to being done.. And it's at like 46K or something close to it. So it's in my range to finish it.
But every time I open the darned thing, I'm like... stumped. Just stuck. And I even know how to end it. I've had the scenes for ages in my head, but there's a || small missing link. I haven't found it yet. *sigh*
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