Don't Be Stupid!
Thursday, December 07, 2006

Ok. Maybe I'm the only person here who knows someone, or has spoken to someone who's afraid their net-presence is going to bite them in the ass.
Because I have to say there are some authors who take stupid to a whole new level.
Print Author Unnamed wakes up one morning and posts to her blog a rant about:
Chain Bookstores. And how they suck. Indie bookstores are the only way to go.
Kinda like Hershey's going and ranting about those annoying places that buy their chocolate bars in bulk and then go sell them, innit? MUCH better to rely on all the little mom and pop stores I'm sure we all stop at for our chocolate instead of grabbing it at Walmart when we're there buying everything else we need, right?
I'm epublished, though. Maybe that accounts for my realisation that the pond we're in is incestuously small. Rumours pass quicker than Uncle Bud's chili. So I know enough that I try to keep a lid on my own stupidity. I got enough of that in my misspent youth, anyway.
I also know there are some epublishers that continue, in spite of what should be some obvious black marks against them. (Shady business practices, bad contracts, bad editting. Hey, there's one or two I can think of that even have crummy cover-art!) But, since the pond is so small, people are afraid to stir up any shit. (why poop where you swim!)
So I'm going to pimp Piers Anthony's resource for e-authors: where he lists epublishers and the rumours/reputations they have.
So I guess I'll open it up here. What do you think is the stupidest thing a writer could have on their website or blog?
I think blatant arrogance and rudeness are on the top of my list. Remeber how many is affected by what you say and your actions, good or bad before you put it to be viewed by the world.
You don't have to be P.C. but it doesn't hurt to be civil. We all work together in one form or another, and has anyone ever looked across the room to see the face of the person they want to rant about? There's probably a thousand or so people BETWEEN you and your nemesis. So be Diplomatic-if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.~~ Bambi
I'd have to say bitching about a publisher or editor on a blog. Hell, bitching about another AUTHOR is probably not wise. But, I think giving an author a bad review ought to be okay. If I read a book and I don't like it, there shouldn't be the fires of publishing hell waiting for me if I blog about it.
Sometimes, I think raking up controversy on a blog might increase traffic, but it also increases resentment.
I'm all for balance. I need lots of help most of the time. Why would I want to start bashing the people who I may need to ask for favors from later?
Too personal information that could open up the door to stalkers...adddresses, phone #'s, kids pictures.
That is stupid, or information so personal that it reveals who you are...
Jen> Writing a "bad" review damn well better be okay. If I suddenly can't voice my opinion because I happen to be published... well, fuck that shit. (At the same point, it probably isn't wise to trash books put out by your publisher, especially if you're e-pubbed... cue "it's a small world" theme song. :P)
I've seen too many stupid things on blogs to count them all. People seem to forget that even though it may look like a blog doesn't get much traffic, the moment you shoot your mouth off about something, word manages to get around and the people or person you least want to read it is the one who shows up.
Complaining about your editor or publisher is on the top of my list. Even if you don't name names, you're complaining about the people who are affecting your (potential) career. Chances are, they're reading it!!! (I know I do!)
I also tend to agree with you, Jen, about reviews. It's one thing to dislike the book. It's another to have what I consider "good manners" to not slam it or be snarky about it.
E-publishing (maybe publishing in general) is actually a very small community. Word -- positive or negative -- travels like wildfire.
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