Real life Smackdown
Thursday, November 16, 2006

For those of you who don't know, I'm a hermit. I have three boys, a husband, and a big ole house that I never leave. This is for the best, for me, and the world in general. Left to my own devices, I can get into some serious trouble (Foot in mouth disease is the least of my problems)
This week, I actually had to interact with real life people, and deal with real life problems. And I panicked. Actually, I felt totally smacked-down (hence the post title)
It's all taken care of now...but I realised this morning, even while I was dealing with insanity, half the time I was thinking "how could I use this in a book?", "what would my character do?"
And I realised, too, that my real-life reactions might not be ones I'd want my characters to have.
Actually, I may want to smack a heroine who reacted the way I do in a tight spot. (Fight or flight? How 'bout hide under the nearest blanket (with a pint of ice cream if I remember to grab it before hiding) and wait for it to all go away on its own)
And that, of course, got me thinking:
What reaction(s) have you read of a character, or seen on a movie or TV that you thought "I wish I'd react like that"?
I wish I could react to things the way Jennifer Crusie's heroine does in "Bet Me." I'd LOVE to have the wit, the balls and the brains that woman has.
Or I wish I could kick ass the way Sydney Bristow does in "Alias".
Meanwhile, I'll join you in the gallon of ice cream.
Is it Rocky Road? I'm in.
I've been thinking on this, and it isn't so much the characters, just things I'd reacted to years before instead of letting it slide off my back.
I can't think of one character that made me think their reaction was better than anything I might do in the same situation. And apparently, I don't have a high threshold, either. Every show I've gotten into, I lose interest in, or gets cancelled. I don't have any book heroines I idiolize either...
<<< The supremely boring one.
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