writing on the edge

Friday, November 17, 2006

Today, I thought I'd touch on promotions. There's a world of it out there, not only for us to do ourselves, but from others to catch our own scattered attentions. There's a lot of sites that range in preferences, wants and readers who lurk or participate. Some allow active drive-by promos, while others request or require active participation to promote. Honestly, I can easily see the reason for the second and recognize the ease of the first.

There's all levels of paid for promotion opportunities. I'm still not entirely sure that's the best route for me to go. In truth, I should probably be putting more money into visual promotion than just supportive promotion, like contests and being there for fellow writers and for my publisher. Doesn't it make more sense that the more sites you are "visible" on, the better following you would have?

This is why I'm not so sure.

A lot of sites are any heat level or strongly encourage erotic. I don't write it, so am I being noticed? I don't know. It's too soon to say. I've only purchased one promo slot on a high traffic, well known site. I'm researching more, and at the beginning of the year, I'm going to try for more, but how much is reasonable?

Do you notice the banners and covers on sites? Do they encourage you to visit the writer's sites?


Blogger Tempest Knight said...

Personally I don't pay attention to banners and find trailers annoying. But that's just me. :) Just having a writer's site, unless you're constantly putting something new out there, it does little except bring in new people. Blogs are okay. But if they only present promotional stuff, they're plain boring and I'd not bother to visit them again.

7:01 PM  
Blogger Diana Castilleja said...

I know what you mean. I don't look at banners all that often, either. My computer can't handle a lot, so trailers only eat up ram and annoy me. I keep my site and group for excerpts, covers, and contests. And I have a blog (Thanks for stopping by when you can!), but I know how hard it is to find the time to blogroll. I'm horrible at it. I also have a monthly newsletter, which I guess all of it added together is a lot of promotion.

2:21 PM  
Blogger Diana Castilleja said...

Oh, and I forgot to add: Music players really slow down my machine. If a blog or myspace has one, chances are I won't be back, or huge slide show.

Just goes to show HOW OLD my poor pal here really is! :)

2:22 PM  

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