writing on the edge

Oh, what to do....
Friday, November 24, 2006

To relax??


Okay, let me back up here. A friend's post got me thinking about what we do when we aren't working. Personally, if I'm not working, the list is very short for what I may be doing.

Cooking, laundry, eating, sleeping, reading, or I'm not at home. Seriously. That's a short list! I know it isn't good for me, and I know I'm bordering on being a workaholic, but I love what I do. At least I CAN say that about writing.

Working, by the way, is a long spectrum of small chunks of responsibility, so while I may not be writing ALL the time, I am doing something toward my career.

I am curious about how others relax though, when they are trying to ignore the writing gremlins and pressures of this career. Like I said, I read, but if I am really too burned out to think or see straight, I might crochet. I've completed three afghans this year, and I hand-make a lot of my promo items, like cards and bookmarks, so while I'm doing nothing, it still leans toward doing something for my writing. See? Even when I'm relaxing, I'm working. *sigh* I even feel extremely guilty when I'm not at home, when I should be working.

Do you ever feel that way? Do you feel like you have to be working?


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