I did a bad, bad thing. And I liked it.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The villain is the equal and opposite antithesis of the heroine and/or heroine. What I hate about some suspense is that you might get a stooooopid villain. Where's the fun in that? If you know the hero/ine is going to win, where's the fun in that? Okay, okay. So you know the hero/ine is going to win anyway. Good triumphs over eeevil and all that. It's fiction. However, give the villain some hope! Even if it's a faint glimmer of cheery feel-good type evil triumph.
Why are we rooting for the hero/ine if we know they'll win? We need to doubt, if only for a moment, that it's all going to be okay. Will they win, but experience some serious personal loss? And I mean serious. Make us believe.
In conclusion: Villains need love too! So give us one that's worthy of your awesome hero/ine.
I hear you. I'm notorious for having two dimensional villians. I'm working on giving them a little life.
Most of the work I've gotten published doesn't really have a villian.
Mmmm. Maybe that should tell me something. LOL.
Hey, don't feel bad. So far, I've had only one villain in any of my books.
I suffer from 'falling in love with villains'. Yeah, I know, that says oodles about me.
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