writing on the edge

How do I kill thee...let me count the ways...
Thursday, November 09, 2006

So I joined a new yahoo group this week. A bunch of crime writers who get to ask all kinds of questions, mostly about how best to kill off their characters. Absolute *heaven* lemme tell you! There's other stuff, too, but really, what's more fun than being able to send a character barrelling over Niagra Falls and know without a doubt that he'd die of a head injury before having a chance to drown?

Yeah, I know, it's completely morbid, isn't it?

I've sort of come to grips with my morbidity. My favorite shows on TV feature the dead or dying. (Dead like Me, CSI...) I'm actually okay with it. It weirds my friends and family out, but that's okay, too. sometimes even a little fun...

So my question for you? What's the most inventive way you've killed off a character? Or read about or seen in a movie, I'm not picky ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not very inventive in my murders. I will say I killed off a woman I disliked intensely. Writing her was an exercise in revenge and perverse satisfaction.
I just banged her on the head. I'm not all that subtle I'm afraid.

7:26 PM  
Blogger Diana Castilleja said...

My murders to date have been pretty "off stage" so far. Although, I do have one right now, on a WIP, where the girl is caught between two gangs, and suffers, to be killed with a dagger in the stomach. That's pretty gruesome to me.

8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope this isn't just a cover-up for finding unique ways to off a husband.

Should I be afraid?

12:32 PM  
Blogger Crystal Jordan said...

I had the hero and heroine die in a story. How I did them in is my business. Characters should never piss of my muse.


7:28 PM  

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