Even my MUSE is exhausted
Thursday, November 30, 2006
We've all been there, right? We're too tired to be creative. Too tired to think.
I was there at 2 this morning, when my youngest crawled into bed with me. I was still there at 330 when I took him back to his bed. Despite the fact my eyes were dry, my head was racing ahead. Mostly it was with my To Do List for today. (where blogging got put last, I might add.)
But it was also characters, nattering on in my head about 'make me do this, I wanna do that.' A witch named Brittany of all things showed up, insisting she is very interesting and I want to write about her.
After a day doing edits, writing emails for a project I'm working on, dealing with three children who don't seem too happy to have my attention when they have it, but want it when they don't...
Even my muse is tired. She's quiet as a family dinner after someone's announced they're pregnant.
So. I want to challenge everyone over the weekend to leave us comments: post your short-short stories about WHY our muses have such sordid senses of humour.
I think it's because I torture my characters. My muse likes to give and then run like hell. My favorite is when the muse whispers in my ear "Kill him." and then the other characters stand around and ask "now what"?
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