A Whole New World
Monday, October 23, 2006

Now, with my short story coming out next March, I've actually filled out a *gasp* contract. I'm "published". That magic word. It's a whole new universe for me.
So, I have a story to go along with this. I filled in for a secretary for two weeks while she was on vacation. I ran out of time one morning and took my contract with me to mail it from work.
Ooops. My boss (a real nice man, by the way) sees "The Wild Rose Press" on the envelope. You guessed it. He asked me. "You're a writer?"
"Yes, I am. That's my contract. I didn't have time to mail it from home. So sorry."
"No that's fine. You're published then?"
"What is it? Maybe I'll read it."
At this point, my stomach hurts. I'm totally embarrassed and I want to sink into the floor. I mean, "Garden Of Sin" has "toys" in it. No way I want my boss to read THAT. What would he think of me?
"I don't think you'll like it." *Promotional no-no*
"What do you write?"
I'm in agony now. What do I do? I JUST found out I was going to be published. I'm not ready for this.
"I write romance."
"Oh, my wife will like that."
I just nod. Now, I change the subject. Much as I would love to crow from the hills that I'm going to be in print, I'm still awkward about revealing my work to those who know me. I just hope I get better at this. *sigh*.
My question for you all is this; What in the world do you say? If you write "love scenes", can you just promote to everyone even if they're your boss, your co-workers or *gasp* your mother? I would LOVE to hear what you have to say on that subject. The newbie needs a little help here.
I do tell people I write romance, and let them come to whatever godforsaken wrong conclusion they like, or I tell them honestly what it's about like an intelligent person would like to hear.
As for the heat, my mother reads what I write, and yes I was blushing when I had to tell her that September Heat was hotter than Ice Cream in the Snow. She was laughing at me though. She wanted to read it right there. And we were in a restaurant!
Granted I don't write about toys and the like, but if they were willing to hang macaroni from their refrigerators, what's a little foreplay that they'd be willing to read by any other person? At least they know their child is talented enough to make them read BEYOND the sex! *grin*
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