writing on the edge

'Twas the Night Before Nano...
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Nanowrimo starts in about, oh, an hour and ten minutes (as of this writing). Me? I'm huddled up with a box of kleenex and a hot mug of tea, trying not to sneeze my brains out. There seems to be some rule that I must get sick right before any writing marathon. *muttergrumble*

According to long-standing Nanowrimo Tradition, I ought be running around the room like a chicken with its head cut off, worrying about my lack of plot, 'till the clock chimes midnight, when I should set my hands to keyboard and start writing. Even if it's gibberish. (Especially if it's gibberish, some might say. LOL.)

Of course, I've been mulling over what I want to do for Nano the past several days. I'd originally intend to attempt a dual-WIP. That is, work on a Nano project as well as the urban fantasy I've been working on for several months. Except, I know from experience that doesn't work out for me. (Yet, I keep trying to do it anyway. >_<) Here's the problem. I don't have a Real PlotTM for what I was intending to write for Nano. I have a premise. Prince Alvaro is captured on the battlefield by his sworn enemy, Tristan of [something-or-other], who seduces him in the dungeon and turns him into a vampire. Nice premise. I have no clue what happens after that. This has been driving me nuts for weeks.

So I've decided to cheat. Instead of starting something "new," which I'm supposed to, I'll try to finish Stronger over the course of November. Or at least a good portion of it, as I have somewhere around 75k to go, by scene length estimation. If I finish it with time to spare, then I may work on something else... but I don't know. However, this decision leaves me feeling quite a bit less stressed. ;)

Okay, now it's 40 minutes to Nano. Everyone geared up and ready? What are y'all doing for Nano?


Blogger Jennifer McKenzie said...

I'm not doing it, but I'm holding everyone elses hand. I'm the support for all the chocolate-guzzling, coffee-drinking crazy people out there.
Can't wait to see the results of yours.

9:06 AM  
Blogger Diana Castilleja said...

I'm hoping that I'm not commiting some huge screw up. I'm writing the sequel to a book that I just R'd on this morning.

I hope your NaNo works well. I feel for you being sick. Seems to happen at the worst times.

2:01 PM  

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