writing on the edge

How do I make it dark?
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I'm trying to figure out Tone these days.

I read the book Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Leguin. I finished it, and then phoned the man who recommended it to me and reamed him out. "WHY did you want me to read that book?"

He chortled. (sidenote: men who actually chortle, outside of actors portraying comic book villains are rare. And to be avoided, especially when making book recommendations.)

When he finished chortling, he asked me what I didn't like about it.

I couldn't tell him. It was an interesting book. A neat book. Even (i'll admit it) a good book. But it left me feeling...like I'd curled into a warm, soft, but mildewy blanket. I got completely wrapped up in it, sure, but it left me feeling a little funky.

Why am I telling you this story? Because I want to know how to get that tone in my books. How can writers...well, DO that? Infuse a story with enough subliminal moodiness to make a reader feel something long after the book's been put down.

I was joking with Nonny earlier this week that I'm not sure I pull off 'dark' when writing. I don't even dress goth because I end up looking like some poor kid practicing for halloween. I have the clothes, the makeup, the jewellery (ooh gods the jewellery *drool*) But I'm just not 'dark'.

Aside from installing mood-lighting in the bookstores...how, please help me, do I make it dark?


Blogger Jennifer McKenzie said...

I don't know, really. I have a voice and it is what it is. I don't really think about it. I do know that when I sit down to write "funny and light" I can't do it. I immediately add some dysfunctional family issue or dead bodies turn up.
*sigh* I'm not sure that "dark" is something you can make happen. For me, I have to realize that I write what I write. I can't be Nora or Stephen King or Jennifer Crusie.

7:42 AM  
Blogger Diana Castilleja said...

I think it does have something to do with a person's internal thoughts. I've read dark books, and know it isn't like turning a switch on or off to write them. Mine always "feel" fluffy, even when I'm trying for dark! EGADS! Yes, it's true.

Books that leave you with a feeling that is not what you were expecting when you are finished are rare, and it's definitely in the talent of the writer.

<<< Working on finding the hidden chest of gold to bribe for that talent.

2:54 PM  

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