Halloween is a-coming
Friday, October 13, 2006

Are you a Halloween nut? Do you like to dress up, play the witch? Okay, that wouldn't exactly be playing for me... *GRIN* Depends on who you ask I guess...
I love Halloween myself, except it's harder when you've got a kiddo to make the rounds with. I love seeing the costumes, hearing the children squeal. A few more thank you's wouldn't kill any of them though... *wink*
I once had this incredible black satin gown. Could do royalty, a vampire or anything dark in it. I loved that dress. Went and walked Sixth Street ( our local bar run and freak hang out on the 31st). I miss those kinds of costumes, but I'm not a great seamstress. It could be used in a lot of different ways, with a removable train. *sigh* Nostalgic moment there...
I especially like it when it's cool. Have you ever done Halloween in costume in the high 80's or 90's? It's awful, just trust me on that. This year, we've had some early cool fronts, so it's looking promising to be a comfortable candy harvest.
So what is it about Halloween that gets to you? The candy of course is a huge one. Chocolate... Everywhere, if you're lucky. If not, steal it from your kids when they aren't looking.. ;) Not like they need to eat it all anyway... Do you like the costumes? To see the kids? Do you miss the freedom of knowing you could walk your ENTIRE neighborhood and not have any malintentioned pranks? I sure the heck do.
So what gets you going for Halloween?
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