The Familial Sacrifice
Sunday, October 29, 2006

There's my husband, who often goes to work even when he's dog tired so that I can be a stay-at-home mom and struggling author. He also has to listen to the different aspects of the business which is like another language. Most importantly, he was forced to read my first manuscript. That alone should get him the "long suffering" award.
Michelle is my best friend. More like a sister to me, she's listened to so much of the struggle, the ideas, the "stuff" that goes along with being a writer. Not once has she rolled her eyes or gone to sleep on me. She does get really mad at me when I tell her I'm not a good writer. She was also forced to read the first manuscript but she only had to read the first hundred pages. She gets the "most time spent keeping me sane award".
Then there's other members of my household. The kids, who are often wanting a little more attention than I'm able to give them. Then, there's the teenage brigade who have given me ideas and names and all sorts of stuff. They don't laugh at my writing and they try (not always successfully) to give me the quiet I need to do my work.
My author friends are the ones I turn to for all my writing woes. They've encouraged me. They understand the language I use. "Sub", "Editor", "Rejection" and "Writer's block" all have a totally different meaning to the non-writer. My first author friends were on the Harlequin boards and Romance Divas. When I got a form rejection from Harlequin Intrigue, Paula Graves sent me a one page email encouraging me to keep at it. When I get stuck or frustrated, Dayna, Crystal and Diana all talk to me and tell me to keep at it. They're my resource for industry help. They give their opinions freely and with no strings. Often, they have to listen to the same complaint over and over. "I suck." "I'll never be published" (yes, Crystal you were right) and the dreaded "I hate waiting!!!" They always lend an ear.
So, I'm giving the people in my life who do a lot to make my career happen, a little space here to get the attention they deserve.
Thank you.
Who helps you further your career?
I hope you have a few minutes to spare to read this! :)
First there is my family, the whole caboodle of them, from my parents to my hubby and the sweet and not always patient son that I have. Mom has encouraged me to write since the first attempt, but inadequacy and life kept me from trying.
Then there's my best friend Kathy. We've been friends for *gulp* 33 years now... Like yours, she didn't roll her eyes at my stories and let me spew my ideas like the imaginative lunatic I am. But she is definitely in the non-writing category.
As for my writing friends, there's Dayna, you, Crystal, The Divas (have to say thank you to them!) and all the wonderful people who like you said speak the 'language'.
Ultimately, my hubby has my back on any thing I try, but I couldn't have done much of anything without the great friends I've found and the world of experience with them.
33 years! Wow! That's a great friendship, Diana. I don't think any writers do it alone. I love that your Mom encouraged you. That's cool.
um. superhubby. he rocks. Not only does he listen to me rant as I try to put a coherent thought together, he started his own blog just to sort of join in the insanity.
The kids, for not turning into arsonists to get some much-deserved attention.
The mice that live in my kitchen, for not being rats, and only stealing the food we didn't plan to eat, and kinda cleaning the floor for me in the process...
You girls here at SoP are always giving me support, kudos, thoughts, and help.
The girls at TNG who invited me to join, even though I had no booksales (cofsubscof) to indicate any level of professionalism whatsoever.
And to the naysayers who told me I'd never amount to anything...I thank them because sometimes it was just cold fury that kept me going...
I admit that surrounding myself with creative people, not just writers, but people who are truly creative in my life helps. Also my friends, who put up with my whinning everytime I'm writing the last pages of a story and I feel like giving up. Friends like them make a great support system.
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