Emotion VS. Emotive
Friday, October 06, 2006
Per Webster's ::
Emotion :
Emotion :
A moving of the mind or soul; excitement of the feelings,Emotive :
whether pleasing or painful; disturbance or agitation of mind
caused by a specific exciting cause and manifested by some
sensible effect on the body.
Attended by, or having the character of, emotion.
Okay, so what does that mean???
As writers, we all have to deal with emotion. In horror, it's fear. In romance, love (hopefully),
in drama, apprehension. We have to create it.
As readers, we want to experience those feelings. We want to know what the characters on the
page are feeling.
Does that mean that as writers we create the emotions, and as readers we are experiencing
the emotive product? Has an emotion ever fallen short, either in something you're writing,
or reading?
Just one of those "thinking too much" things that caught me earlier this week.
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