Friday, October 27, 2006

Hello. My name is Diana. And I'm a book-a-holic.
*sits down*
~~This post in no way down plays the real addictions that are out there~~
I mean, there are far worse addictions that I could have. Even a fellow Diva is well known for her shoe addiction... er... Collection, that is.
I love to buy books. I love to write. The irony here is that now that I write with ambition, deadlines and purpose, my reading has gone kaputz. I have hundreds, yes you read that right, HUNDREDS of books waiting for me. I have a small collection of them on my TBR shelf--The window shelf nearest my bed. There's more than 30 there right now. It's a growing, mutating monster that glares at me every morning and every night for the lack of attention I have given it of late.
I have paranormal, fantasy, YA, romantic suspense... Just a ton of stuff waiting for me to read it and unlock the stories within. Stuff I want to read for research, others because of the author, or because it's recommended. Then there's the borrowed books. I do books swaps regularly with a close friend. ( I live in Texas and yes an hour and half to drive is close. )
But I guess the whole point of this is this: Do I really need help?
Granted the bottom line here is shopping. Spending money. But the whole idea of it being for books makes so much more sense to me than say, spending money on jewelry (lovely, but who am I going to show it off to?), fancy clothes (Don't go anywhere to need more than jeans. Sad but true.) So, you see my conumdrum here I hope.
If I do have a problem, it's one I will happily live with.
This is an addiction I can live with. I'd rather spend money on books than other things.
Now, if I can just give up the cigarettes......
See, now this is one good reason to go to the RWA conference. Free books! I tend to pretty much stock up for the year.
This year I actually added up the retail value of the books I came home with-$752.00! Okay, I spent around $80.00 shipping a huge box home, but paid for much of my conference expenses, and I still had the benefits of the networking, workshops, publisher spotlights-plus it's about as much fun as a girl can have with her clothes on!
Anyway, it's all a matter of persepctive. You're a writer-you need books. Now if there was only some explanation for the four pairs of shoes I bought in June...
LOL, too funny. I have the same addiction and, since I live in Texas too, I know exactly what you mean about only needing jeans. It is sad...
The sad thing is that I probably spend more money on books than on clothes.
I love my books! And I lied... I cleaned up my TBR pile after DH stared at it for a long time the other night. After cleaning up my books, I still had 38 books left! I had almost 50 originally. Yikes!
I can definitely see going to RWA for the books! That's a haul! I love the library sales. And as for the difference, my closet speaks for itself. I have boxes and boxes and books and we won't discuss the age of some of my clothes. *grin*
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